Friday, July 16, 2010

Jackson Hole '10

We made our annual trip to to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to raft down the Snake River the weekend after the Fourth, just as I have done almost every summer since I can remember. I love the area, and I've loved sharing it with Eric and the girls. We always have a great time, but I think this year takes the cake. It was a blast!

This picture of a beautiful sunrise was taken by someone who was up much earlier than I-- thanks, Cyn!

After years of persuading, Grandma Pat agreed to make the trip, and I think she liked it. Stephanie was back for her second year in a row, and Daron joined us for his first time (although not first on the river-- he came down Desolation last month).

Iris was a mess the first night, and kept us all up with her crying for a few hours (sorry, again), but was a dream the rest of the time. She even napped... sort of.

My vagabond children with some of their friends. Notice Iris' storage pocket in her cheeks.

Eric and I captaining the paddle boat down Lunch Counter-- we've lined it up fairly perfectly, if I do say so myself.

I only include this shot so you can see the beautiful scenery we float through.

The weather was great, the water was great (I took my customary swim, plus a few), the food was great, and most of all, the people were great. They made up one of the best bunches I've rafted with, and I appreciate everyone who came. Thanks for helping make it a great trip!


carrielyshous said...

Looks like it was a gorgeous, fun filled trip. Did the girls go with you on the raft?

the Bartlett fam said...

Riley did on my dad's boat, which he oars, but not on the paddle boat with me. No for Iris. Maybe in a few years. :)

Emily said...

what a fun trip!!