Thursday, December 4, 2008

Iris's Blessing

We've had such a busy week, and it's taken me a while to get around to posting about it. Last Wednesday, I made pies for the first time! My mom and I got together do do it, and had about a dozen pies at the end of the day (literally... the last one finished baking just before midnight). Eric had to work on Thanksgiving, so I took the girls up to Sandy to Eric's aunt and uncles house myself. It was really good to see all the family, and I was so glad that Eric got off early enough to come up that evening. He works so hard and misses out on so much. Dinner was, of course, delicious, and I managed two helpings of almost everything, and a third of the potatoes and gravy. I think the younger cousins Garrett and Spencer were impressed.

We had Iris's blessing the next day to avoid the germs of church and so that the family in town for Thanksgiving could also attend. We had so many people coming that we actually ended up holding it in the church house because our house wouldn't accommodate. It was supposed to start at 2:00, so about 15 minutes to, I started to feed Iris so she would be happy during the blessing. As I was feeding her, she let out a big ol' explosion (which happens frequently), and I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if that blew through her diaper?" That used to happen a lot, but not much recently, so I didn't think too much about it. A few minutes till 2:00, we finished up and I made to pick up Iris to take her back. Yuck, yuck, yuck- of course it HAD exploded through her diaper, and was now all the way up her back, covriing the back og her dress and all over my skirt... and hand. Riley was with me, so I told her to be quick and go get Eric and the diaper bag. I thought I'd been urgent enough and put the fear into her. Apparently not. Eric said she ran into the room, alright, but sat primly down and said not a word. Meanwhile, I've got a hand and lap covered in excrement, and I'm unable to grip Iris with my one clean hand without touching her back, which is also covered. Quite a pickle. So I sat and waited for Eric... and waited. After more than 10 minutes, I manned up and carried Iris in to get the diaper bag myself. Eric came after me and made the mistake of laughing. I'm sorry to say that I got quite snippy with him. Luckily we live really close to the church house- obviously- so Eric ran home to get me another skirt and another white dress we happened to have in Iris's size. We were in such a rush to get her cleaned up and changed that I didn't even look at how my new skirt looked. We finally got things started, and Eric gave her a beautiful blessing. The bishop then surprised me by asking me to bear my testimony. A double surprise, because when I got up in front of the big group, I noticed that my slip was now showing about 3 inches below my shirt. The pooped on skirt was much longer, and I hadn't even noticed. Why, oh why can't I be the kind of person that things so smoothly for?

Well, we got through it all, and the most important thing is that Iris is blessed. I guess it will make a funny story for later. I seem to have a lot of stories like this. I didn't have the heart to take pictures after the blessing, which I of course now regret, soI'm going to put the blessing dress back on her and take pictures later.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I laughed my butt off. My employeers have a magnet that say's "Chaos...just add kids". I'm sure the blessing was beautiful and I'm sorry that we missed it (and the poop). said...

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