Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Look at the Bright Side

These things bother me:
  • Couples canoodling at church. 'Nuff said.
  • Christmas lights turned on before December 1. (See also: Christmas music played before previously mentioned date, as well as any kind of blow up decoration... for any holiday.)
  • The Library Nazi. She is my nemesis.
  • The geniuses hired to work the phones at insurance companies, billing offices, etc.
  • Drivers of SIX door trucks (that's right... THREE cabs) who pull enormously long trailers and run red lights.
  • Hannah Montana
  • People who go to school sick and get my husband sick.

As this is kind of a downer post, I'll add a few pluses:

  • My super kettle. I have about four cups of hot chocolate a day now that I've pulled it out. Tons of sugar, but as I've all but given up Dr. Pepper (the second love of my life), I don't feel guilty.
  • I have a solo date planned for this Saturday night. It's Eric's night off, so I got an advance ticket to see "Twilight", because yes, I am one of those girls. I heart Edward. So I'm going to some restaurant (I haven't decided where yet) where they will serve me food, and I can eat it without once saying, "Please stop that" or "Stop throwing your food" or "Did you spill your milk on purpose?". And I won't have to clean up any food or milk, or stop Riley from suffocating Iris with a hug, and my food will be warm when I eat it, because I won't have popped in and out of my seat nine times to get more milk or apple sauce or whatever before getting to eat. Ahhh, bliss. Then I'll go to see the movie. I don't have hopes that it will be as good as the books- I'm not an idiot- but I think it will be alright. All in all, I can't wait for my date with myself.
  • And as much as I complain, I really do have it great. I have a husband I never see, because he's always either at work at at school. He never gets time to do what he wants for himself, and he never complains or guilt trips me. He works so hard to provide for us and to get good grades- I am grateful, in a roundabout way, that he's gone so much. I have a daughter that bounces off the walls with unrestrained energy. She isn't shy or slow, and she's full of love. Sometimes it's hard to have all that energy trapped in our house, but I'm glad that she has it. I have a baby girl who is out of the hospital, when it could have been so much worse. She's home with us, when other babies born with similar problems aren't nearly so fortunate. Yeah, I can't go anywhere because of it, but we have a god shot at keeping here healthy this winter, and hopefully she'll then be healthy for life. I'm grateful that we were given a solution, no matter how hard it is to carry out.
Blessings are all around me, hidden in the middle of my obstacles. If I can only remember to wake up and pay attention, I'm in awe of all that I have been given.


Erin and Spencer said...

Ah! I cannot believe that you have given up Dr. Pepper... what happened to you!?? I would agree with all of the things that drive you crazy... and I would like to add one...boys that go to the tanning bed too much... yuck!