I am angry. We found out the other day that Iris' appeal was denied. How can that be, you ask? I wouldn't know. The insurance company is sticking to it's age guidelines like stink on rot, and even the pediatricians letter urging them to change their minds didn't do it. We're trying a second appeal, but I don't have very high hopes. Oh, and when I asked the doc's office for more specifics, in case we tried to pay for these ourselves, I found that it would probably be just under $15,000 instead of $8,000. The price goes up according to her weight, so we estimated the rate she would gain (it's all in those cheeks!), and viola. $15,000. Not possible.
So thanks to all you who prayed for us. I guess it's not over yet, but I'm not very hopeful. We can't qualify for Medicaid because we already have insurance, and there aren't any supplementary programs in Utah. Write your congressman.
Well, I guess another 4-6 months in your home isn't all THAT bad, right?! I think I would die- you are a trooper!
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