Thursday, March 4, 2010

Riley's 5th birthday... better late than never

Happy Birthday Riley! February 22nd

We actually had the party on her birthday, and I've been meaning to post about it ever since. It was a lot of fun... mostly. First we did a pinata, which everyone except Riley seemed to enjoy.

She took one whack at it....

...and spent the rest of the time up our apple tree.

Oh well. She liked getting all the candy after I finally broke it on the tree. These new pinatas are a little too sturdy for kids.

Then we had cupcakes and ice cream. Yes, she's plugging her ears while we sing to her.

Then presents. She, of course, enjoyed this!

Then bowling. She took her first two turns, and then ran around like a dog the rest of the time. Why does she look so scared, you ask? It's her new picture face.

We had her family party the next Sunday, and had a lot of fun there, as well. Thank you so much, Lad and Liz, for giving her a weapon.


The Scribbles said...

How are our babies all grown up???? I miss you so much! Love you all!!

Amanda said...

You're the mommy of a five year old! Good job for having the energy to throw such a fun party! I'm impressed.