Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Day!

Our play group is so cool. It snowed quite a bit last week, and we decided to go sledding. I'm thinking we mom's may have had more fun than the kids.

Ivan and Riley

Tanya, so adorable

me, Katie (the Unibomber), and Alyssa

Me, and yes, I am standing up on the sled. I'm cool.

Kyson, Melanie, and Brynlee

Katie and Coleman

Alyssa and Tanya

Josh, who joined us part way through, Katie and Coleman

Brynlee, Melanie, and Kyson

Ivan, Alyssa, and Tanya

me and Riley

the whole crew

We all have so much fun together! For this week, we went to the aquarium in Sandy, which was awesome! Of course we didn't take any pictures, but take my word for it--we had a blast!


the Bartlett fam said...

Ok, as one of the "grown-ups" i will say we did have more fun! The picture of you standing on the sled is so hard core! Did you go all the way down like that?