Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sweet November

I have the best month planned out for me. You can't even believe it! November is usually the most 'bleh' month of my year, but now I know the secret to getting through it: plan in advance a ton of really fun things, so you look forward to it!

As a precursor, I went to see Ingrid Michaelson at the end of last month. La-la-love her! I didn't know a lot of her stuff prior to the show, but I've been listening to her ever since. She's awesome.

Now into November and this weekend: Stephanie and I are going to see the So You Think You Can Dance Tour! Hurrah! We have amazing seats, too. Let you know how it goes.

Then, on the 19th, I'm going to see Emmylou Harris with some of my family. She's so cool. I saw her two summers ago, and she is my idol. My girl crush.

And then, I know you all know, New Moon comes out! And I already have tickets! Actually, I've had them for over a month now. They're incredible seats! And I'm going with nine friends- who even knew I had nine friends? It's going to be spectacular! (I'm running out of positive and enthusiastic adjectives.)

And then, of course, Thanksgiving. I love this holiday. Back in my trimmer years, I used to start 'conditioning' in late summer. I'd eat more and more each day, stretching my stomach to it's full potential, to make sure I could take advantage of the delicious food on Turkey Day. I can't afford to do that now, but I do still love the food. And family, of course.
Aren't you amazed at my month? It's going to be the best month of my life.
(And before you start to think I've gone spending-crazy, and pitying Eric, I should tell you that Ingrid Michaelson was my birthday present from my sister, So You Think You Can Dance is my birthday present from Eric, who got off the hook this year- since it was my idea that I carried out, and I'm paying for Emmylou by selling plasma- my very life's blood.)


Anonymous said...

should i be offended that me coming to visit Utahn's isn't on this list?