Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We've Been (in no particular order)...

  • cheering Stephanie on while she ran her first marathon
  • attending "The Scarlet Pimpernel" musical at the Hale Center Theater
  • dreading and then surviving the first snow
  • having our first roller skating experience at Classic Skating, which was a blast from the past for me
  • loving General Conference
  • dealing with Riley's THIRD self hair cut, the day before school pictures
  • getting ready for Halloween
  • making a road trip to Cheyenne to surprise my bestie, Cheryl. Had a blast and took no pictures, of course
  • sick with croup (Iris), strep throat (Riley), and pneumonia (me) all at the same time
  • experienced our first ever parent/teacher conference, and feel way too young for that business
As for me, personally, I'm preparing to be cold for the next five months, and to see the play "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and the tour of "So You Think You Can Dance" next week. Can't wait!


carrielyshous said...

Ok, the croup, strep, and pnemonia sound the worst, but going to plays sounds so great. Enjoy!

Julie said...

I love 7 brides for 7 brothers. I think I didn't have any girls cause I said I would name her Dorcas. Haha!

Julie said...

hi catherine, email me your email address to julie_hanson22@yahoo.com so I can send you an invite to our blog. going private by the end of the week. perhaps I will start blogging again soon! your girls are getting too big too fast!