Riley's first day or school- shorry for the sideways picture. Couldn't figure out how to switch it on this computer. It was so adorable! She likes it so far, and is learning so much so quickly. I'm so proud of her!
I went on a two day river trip with my fam while Eric stayed home with the chilluns. More pictures to follow. It was amazing.
Iris turned one! We had a little party for her, which was much fun. I thought she'd lunge for the cake, but she actually was kind of wary. It took me dabbing some frosting in her mouth before she did the expected lunge. Look at the size of that cake. She probably ate more than half. That's my girl.
I took the girls to Thanksgiving Point a few times. This is the look I get from Riley most of the time.
Iris likes me, though.
My dad's side of the family had a much over due reunion, which my mom headed up. She did a great job, and it was a lot of fun. Here's me and my sissy, Liz.
Riley, very intent on the crafts.
Family pic, minus Eric, who was working. Notice Riley trying to escape.
Great times! Iris is such a cute chubby baby. I have to admit that the fam. pic. with Riley trying to escape is tons better than stiff, cheesy-smile ones :D
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