Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Here....

What a lame blogger I am. There hasn't been much to post about, but still. We hangin' in there, things are the same, but good. Iris is five months now, and as winter is almost over, I should be able to start taking her out pretty soon. Maybe by the end of this month. At the beginning of this ordeal, I wondered, "How am I going to stay inside for six months? Not possible". And now that we're coming to the close of my incarceration, I wish I could say that it has flown by and been a cinch. Alas, can't. Riley has gotten more used to it, and is easier to handle, but other than that... it's rough when going to the grocery store takes a day and a half to plan. If Eric weren't busting his brains in school right now, with organic chemistry, it's accompanying lab, micro-biology, it's accompanying lab, and figure drawing, (plus all the homework), and working about 12 days in a row at his job, it might be a little easier... for both of us. But he's almost done with the pre-dental classes, and at this point, I'm super grateful that he even has a job! So, all done complaining.

Riley is in a little dance class, and let me tell you, there is not much cuter than a row of little girls dressed up in pink tu tu's and tights. Pictures to come. Adorable.


jess smart smiley said...

It was good seeing you the other day, Catherine! Man, you guys have a lot going on! I can totally relate with the horror of staying inside with the little one for so long and taking days to plan a trip to the grocery store. Ugh.

Best of luck to you all!

Lo said...

Catherine! Long time no see! I was so glad you found me. What a cute family you have! Iris is adorable - I LOVE the 5 month stage right now! We will have to stay in touch. You guys are so cute!

Amanda said...

Wow! I can't believe so much has happened in your life since I last saw you! I think that was while you were engaged, by the way. Now you have another cute baby! I'm glad you found me and I'll definitely keep up with your blog.