Saturday, August 2, 2008

All Right, Already....

I've been waiting on Eric to get me access to the pictures we took, not only while at the cabin a while ago, but on other fun outings. It's yet to happen. I haven't posted about the cabin, or much else, because I wanted to include pictures. Alas. I'll get them eventually and post them, but it's not happening now.

We had a great time! Huge thanks to Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gerry- they are so generous and kind. We really appreciate it! Also, thanks to the plethora of babysitters who also made this little trip possible for us. It was a much needed and appreciated vacation. As predicted, we got down there and didn't do much... by choice. Eric fished and I read- he felt bad and was so concerned that he was ditching me. I kept trying to get him out of the cabin so I could get back to my book! I didn't feel abandoned at all. We brought steak and potatoes- one of my favorite meals- and actually ate together! That hasn't happened for a while.

Eric fished again in the morning, and we trekked to the Burger Barn for lunch- delish. And then- dun, dun, dun..... Eric taught me to fly fish. I should say "taught", in that I "learned"- heavy sarcasm. It was much more fun than I thought it would be, and I did actually catch a fish... on accident. Eric took a picture of me casting as proof for all you scoffers, which I was excited to post. Maybe later. I really did enjoy it, but the idea of spending enough time at it that I'll look as smooth and confident as Eric is kind of daunting. He's a pro.

We went into Duck Creek to buy a frozen pizza after that, and ate it in front of a fire. How nice. A good time was had all around, and we left much too early so that I could get home in time for Emmylou. Thanks again to everyone who made it possible!


Sarah said...

Sounds like a fun relaxing time! Thank you for letting us borrow Eric Saturday morning! It was such a blessing. Hope all is going well!