My little brother couldn't come this time, so we were in need of another boatman to row his boat. Eric was more than happy to take that over. It was his first time rowing a stretch as technical as this, so there were some nerves involved. Of course, though, he did fantastic. In fact, another family we've been rafting with for almost thirty years came on the trip, and they flipped. Eric was going to tease them about how the rookie didn't flip and the old timer did, but the boatman seemed kind of disheartened (understandably) so he held off.
It was so great to have that little break, and we're indebted to Patti and Stephanie (plus Daron, who house-sat the house we're housesitting for, to take care of the dog) for making it possible for us to go. Does anyone have any ideas for something extra nice we can do for them? It's crunch time this week, as it's our last week sitting for this house, and we're moving on Saturday. The plan was so do as much spackling, sanding, and painting as possible this week. But, of course, the head cold I got while on the river turned into an ear infection, sinus infection, and now pneumonia. Of course it did. So I'm not as much help as I should be. Fantastic.
Wish us luck!
Wish us luck!