Friday, April 23, 2010

The Children's Museum

For play group this week, we decided to go to the zoo. It's been great weather, and school's not out quite yet, so it wouldn't be too crowded. Alas, the forecaster predicted rain, and sure enough, it poured the day before our planned trip. Better safe than sorry, we then decided to go to The Children's Museum at the Gateway. It was so much fun! They had a ton of stuff there, and so much attention to detail. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't gone-- or anyone who has, for that matter. We're planning a trip back next week after Eric's done with school.

Riley, my OCD child, spent most of her time in the huge and very detailed play house, trying to get everything organized. Hard for her, because all the other kids there kept playing with things and not putting them back in their proper place. Rats!

Just one room of the house.

Riley loved the horse...

Stephanie loved the horse...

Iris did not.

They had a helicopter on the roof the kids could go in.

Iris wanted none of it.

I didn't get pictures of everything they had-- not nearly-- and you'd be too bored to look at them all even if I did. But just take my word for it, and go.

Alas, I didn't think to get a picture of the whole group this time around. Guess we'll just have to do it again! Thanks to everyone who went-- we had a blast!

Oh and PS, it ended up being a beautiful day, so we could have gone to the zoo after all. Maybe next time.


The Scribbles said...

My Riley is groing up too fast!!!! I miss you so much!!