Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yargh, Matey!

Don't ask me why, but I decided to have a Halloween party for Riley this year. By the end of it, I figured I must be crazy. But Riley had a blast, and that's the main point, isn't it?

It was rather adorable, if I do say so myself. We had a pirate theme, so we went on a treasure hunt all over the house (I burned and singed the edges of the clues, and wrote cutesey little rhymes on each one- it was the craftiest thing I've ever done.) Then I had a treasure chest- final hiding place in the oven- filled with "gold".

Here are the kids showing off their haul

Digging through the treasure chest

I had made sugar cookies, and the kids frosted them. Here is my friend Alyssa's daughter, Tanya. She is super adorable.

I'm pretty sure Riley just ate the frosting the whole time.

We had a cake walk-type thing.

My dad came and dressed as a pirate to read the kids a pirate story. He was awesome, as I knew he would be.

It looks like I didn't get a picture of the pirate hats we made and decorated. They were beautiful. All in all, it was a very fun and exhausting party. And then that night, I was struck down with the swine flu, and stayed down for a week.


pinksuedeshoe said...

Yay for being a little crafty! I need to keep working on converting some more of the fam into the crafty-frenzy :o) Love the pics of your dad, so perfect!